Monday, 3 September 2012

Home slice

My recently updated bedroom wall.

When I was 17 years old, I worked as a check out chick after school and on weekends so I could save money and be ready to move out when I graduated high school.  Sure, the idea of independence and a new chapter of young adulthood was exciting and all, but for the most part? I was more thrilled about the prospect of setting up my own apartment.

   It was a happy day when I hit the local dollar stores and stocked up on leopard print rubber gloves and novelty egg slicers.  As it turns out, my first apartment was a cockroach invested dump and our kitchen was so full of stuff we didn't need (like novelty egg slicers) that we rarely spent any time in there. 

In the years since (despite being messy), I've stayed rather home proud. 
I'm an introvert and a homebody, so I spend as much time in my own private little sanctuary as I do anywhere else. 

I've never been great at spaces or design. my apartments have always been more like museums. I fill my shelves with things that represent some sentimental or emotional value to me.  The result is usually a slightly crowded and offbeat aesthetic. 

I also can't seem to bring myself to spend large amounts of money on home-goods. Probably because I've always rented and been aware that what looks fabulous and fits in one house, might not do so in the next. Also partly due to the fact that I like old and cheap things. 

I spend an impractical amount of time day dreaming of having my own home. One I cant paint and drill holes in. One with a yard and the freedom to have adopt a pet.

In the meantime I do my best in my rent-controlled one bedroom , with my 'build it yourself' and up-cycled furniture. 

My mantlepiece. The painting on the left was found in a dusty second hand shop down South and I've never loved hanging something on my wall so much

Bedside table, salvaged from the recycling tip  & cleaned off

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