Monday, 2 July 2012

The Happenings

 I'm thinking of giving my hair a big chop soon. 
Long red hair takes too much work & too many appointments. 
Shorter darker hair might be where it is at with less time (and desire) in the mornings to primp and prime.  

Lunch at Genesis in the hills. 
A beautiful vegetarian cafe, 30 minutes drive from the city.

 Cake at genesis in the hills. 

Working for a company with a great sense of humor.
This is the cleaning alcohol at my counter.  
Branded with a label that warns employees against drinking it, not matter how desperate the day, in order to preserve ones dignity.  

I've been taking on extra hours at the counter because university is over for the semester. 
I job share with one other lady who has been with the company for 10 years and is the most dignified, respectful and outrightly loving person I've ever met.
 It is a joy to work with her, and it is doing wonders for my attitude and outlook.  I love my job. 

I've also been doing some admin and management work with a small independent theatre group.
The office is run out of an old maternity ward that has been converted into a number of studio spaces that individuals can lease out in order to create, or run their small creative businesses from. 

Found spaces. Its very cool. Check it out.  

1 comment:

  1. Wow it must be lovely to have a job you love (I LOVE the bottle label). I remember my old company sent out a letter about the christmas party telling us 'drugs are strictly prohibited but if you do have any please share' haha.
